
19- Easy Steps to Scent Free Hunting 2019

19- Easy Steps to Scent Free Hunting 2019

Are you tired of getting busted? Are you tired of mature bucks only using your property at night? Are you not seeing as much daylight activity? This is because of your’e not hunting scent free! With a good scent control program you will have more deer using your property during shooting hours and you will have a better chance to hunt mature deer!

I always used to get busted, I didn’t hunt the wind and I didn’t wash my clothes, but once I started doing the tactics below I have been able to kill mature deer on a consistent basis! Make sure to take note of these tactics and apply them to your deer hunting career!

19-Easy Steps to Scent Free Hunting 2019 will show you exactly what it takes to effectively hunt deer without them even knowing you were there! Make sire to read and ask questions!


1. Wash Clothes In Detergent

Wash your clothes in a quality hunter’s detergent. Besides our body, we need to be Focused with everything else we’re bringing into the woods, our clothes and equipment being one of the most important

Following every hunt, machine-wash your Clothes and other gear in baking soda (baking soda is cheap and still works well).

Throw an odorless or scent-killing dryer sheet in the dryer. This will help eliminate the scent while its in the dryer! 

Thoroughly Rinse the washer out before putting any hunting clothes inside. Left over phosphates and household detergents can contaminate them.

Do not “over-wear” your hunting clothes. Have multiple sets of hunting clothes prepared and ready to rotate the use of each set. By doing this you can wash other clothes while still having fresh, uncontaminated hunting clothes.

An alternative to store-bought hunting detergents is DIY detergent composed of peroxide, baking soda, and distilled water.


2. DRY Clothes OUTSIDE For Scent Free Hunting

Dry your clothes outside if possible. Hanging them outside to dry prevents indoor scents from clinging to your clothes like cleaning products, baking/cooking scents, etc.

 If you can’t, remove all fabric softener bars and dry your clothes in the dryer. Before storing them, let them air-out outside if possible. away from smoke and other foreign odors and allow them to naturally air out.

When you hang your clothes after washing, make sure to wear gloves when handling your hunting clothes. From this point on you will want to have gloves on when handling your clothes, at least until you wash them again.

A Nearby fence works perfect if you have that accessory, but if you don’t a clothes hanger will be just fine!



Scent Crusher Container For Hunting Clothes
My Current Hunting Tote.


Once your clothes are dry, store them in a container. This prevents any odors getting on your clothes! By putting them in some plain garbage bags, plastic storage containers will work. Scent Crusher Makes a Hunting Tote for storing your Hunting Clothes, they also have closets that you can hang and store all of your Hunting Gear in. If you are interested in this route Click Here!

Make sure the clothes are totally dry before storing! If they are damp, once sealed in the container you begin a chemical reaction and odors will arise. Do NOT to include leaves, dirt, pine boughs, or other natural items in the container with your clothes.

Even with our “limited human sense of smell,” after one week in the container the difference is obvious. If you must put something in the container, Place a box of baking soda in the container. This will absorb the moisture inside of the container – switch it out every few weeks.

Using this strategy helped me with my scent control, I saw more deer and more importantly more mature deer were fooled, because of my scent control practices.



Shower With Scent free Body Wash & Shampoo and use Scent free laundry deodorant.  Human odor is whitetail deer most feared odor! Eliminating these odors by showering is extremely important. That is why its so important to shower with scent free soap

What good does it do to shower with an unscented soap and then towel off with a fresh towel that was laundered in normal detergents? Wash towels in the same sportsmen’s detergents that you would your hunting clothes. Store them in the same container or closet as your other Hunting Gear. Be sure that they are completely dry before storing or they will begin to “stink”.

I usually like to rinse for 3 to 5 minutes before stepping out. 

Showers allow you to rinse scent-making bacteria off of your body easily. Pay close attention to certain areas of your body. Areas like your armpits, groin, head and other unmentionable areas of your body will create the most harmful odors for a hunter

After you have completely dried off apply your body with baking soda or a hunter’s antiperspirants. This will fight the bacteria in sweat that is what actually creates odor. Be sure to also apply antiperspirant to your feet as well.

Be sure to use the bathroom (#1 & #2) before your shower. By doing this it will allow a clean area that has just become contaminated from your urination or defecation.

I like buying 5-10 sponges to really scrub my body with when showering. I like to get all of the dead skin cells off, at least as many as possible. I also like to sit for 5-10 minutes in the shower to let the soap settle on my skin.


5. Dress In the Field

Don’t put your clothes on until you get to your hunting area. Actually, don’t even remove them from their Scent protected container. Many hunters put their hunting boots on at home and then stop to fill up with gas, or put on their hunting clothes and stop for breakfast…then try to fool a nose 1,000x more powerful than theirs.

It is important to wear only the necessary clothing while traveling to your stand. Put the rest of your hunting clothes on once you have reached your stand.

This can seem like a lot of work, and it really is but It will pay off big as long as you are consistent. Just make sure that you are not getting unessassary odors on your clothes.



A scent elimination Unit can be used directly in the field when Hunting. The unit disperses ozone that kills scent molecules and it is heavier than air so it takes it down to the ground before it can reach out of range deer. There are a few different models, but Ozonics is the most popular by far.

Some hunters may think that Ozonics Units are unnecessary if you’ve taken enough precautions to cover up scent, but they still can still hide human scent in the field. Ozonics Units mask your scent in ozone and continuously work to neutralize scent throughout the time that you’re out in the field.

NOTE: Make sure you don’t have any candles burning during hunting season, because that odor can latch onto you and cause odors to last for a long time!



Again this is another precaution to making sure that you are scent free in the woods. You can get as extreme as you want. I highly suggest using all of this, as it will improve the daylight movement of your herd. The deer won’t smell your threatening human order as much. When Deer are busting you or smelling your left behind scent often it can cause them to use your property strictly at night. You can never be over protected.

These are great items to have but is only as good as the person using them. If used improperly they become just like any other piece of clothing. Follow their instructions carefully and place them in scent free storage containers like the rest of your hunting clothes.

You might consider Scent-Lok, They are the most popular for their scent containing suits. This is a great way to get some Camo that also contain your scent! Make sure to use it properly!



Strip the vehicle of carpet to further reduce scent, and stand up wind of your vehicle.

Always avoid pumping gas on the day of your hunt. Only make fuel stops after you have taken off all of your hunting clothes and they are stored properly for the return trip from your hunt. 

You do not want to do this after you have already showered even if are not wearing your hunting clothes. A drop of gasoline on your hand can be smelled at great distances from game animals.

FUN TIP: For centuries native Americans reduced their intake of red meat because they believed they would smell like predators to deer. In ways this is true. It has been proven that a meat-eating people bodily enzymes carry a different make-up than that of Vegetarians.



Always check the wind before and during your hunt to keep any of your human smells from blowing toward the deer. 

If the wind direction changes, you’ll want to change your location, so keep this in mind while you’re planning the location of your tree stand.

One of the basic yet most important rules for preventing the spread of scent in the field is to stay downwind. Check the direction of the wind before setting up your stand site to make sure the wind won’t be blowing in the direction of your Stand and their bedding/feeding areas. 

You can check predicted wind conditions on weather websites and apps beforehand, but be ready  to double-check the direction of the wind once you have arrived. It’s best to have the direction of the wind blowing towards a cliff, lake, pond.



Use a quality scent elimination spray like Scent Killer Gold. Spray your clothing the day before with scent proof gloves, and allow the spray to dry into your clothing and then return your clothes to their container. Scent Killer Spray molecules adhere to odor molecules making them too heavy to form a gas. Spray down each layer of your clothing, Focusing on your high sweat areas.

A mixture of water and baking soda will also work in the same manner.

Using scent-eliminating spray will help mask any remaining scents you have or you’ve picked up on the way to the field.


11. Cover Scents

Stepping into such things as cow dung or deer dropping can help in hiding your scent and in some cases attract deer. Only step in cow feces if there are actually cows in the area. Never do it on one area and then go hunting a wilderness area that is lack of agriculture.

The proper use of cover scents is very important to the archery hunter as well. It is important to choose a scent that is native to the area you are hunting. If you were to use a white oaks scents in an area of white and cedar you will be defeating your purpose. Deer know what is in their area at all times so it is important to choose the proper scent.

companies know their products the best and will tell you where to apply the scent and how much to apply to achieve the best results. Since commercially made scents are highly concentrated usually two drops in four opposite directions is usually enough to do the job.

I have had good success by using only natural cover scents found in the woods such as leaves and sticks. I started doing this after forgetting my cover scent at home. I decided to try it since I had nothing to lose. I had a lot of deer within 15 yards and even after a wind shift that placed them down wind of me they remained perfectly calm. It has happened to me on a number of other occasions so it will work, especially in a situation that you have no other option

NOTE: It is also very important to never wear any of your hunting clothes or footwear while working around the house, shopping or anything else. Keep your hunting clothes for hunting, nothing else.


12. Scent Free Gloves

When handling hunting clothes when preparing them it is a good idea to wear rubber gloves. This will reduce the chance of bacteria from forming on the clothes.

Make sure to always wear gloves while traveling to your stand to help keep scent down, especially if you need to move a limb out of your way. If At all possible try to avoid touching anything on the way in or out to your stand. Leave only footprints.

It is also important to wear rubber gloves when dispensing scent. If you are pouring doe in heat scent canisters or creating a mock scrape always wear rubber gloves. Deer approaching these areas are especially cautious and will run at the first sign of human intrusion.



It is also very important to allow extra time to arrive to your stand. You want to walk very slowly to avoid working up a sweat. It is best to leave early to allow some extra time so you can arrive to your stand without sweating. If time restrictions are a problem it is better to slow down and arrive to your stand late than to rush and arrive early and perspiring.

Avoid walking on deer trails and when crossing, always take a wide step and step over. A deer most often walks with his nose to the trail so avoid stepping directly onto it.

Speaking of boots, don’t wear your work boots to hunt. It won’t do you a bit of good to spend time on preparation if you’re tracking unwanted scents to the stand… and boots can hold scents for months! Actually, don’t put them on until you get to the field to prevent them from picking up scents at gas stations, restaurants.

Make sure that you have a great entry and exit area, this will allow you to get into your stand walking through an area that deer do not frequently use. You won’t be disturbing your deer herd if you can find a perfect entry and exit route. This is like entering your stand through a cow pasture or from a creek to lake.



Put you Hunting Clothing in scent free areas in your house or barn. What I recommend Is getting a scent crusher closet and bag, and then storing them inside of another scent free area. This is also a great spot to store larger gear! I recommend keeping some street clothes that have also been washed through the washing detergent and dried outside or in the Closet, Room, or garage/barn.

Again this is really important, because you are making your job so much harder when you repeatedly store your clothes in an area that is contaminating them. Make sure to look into this, because you will thank me once you notice a huge difference in the deer activity on your property!


In a separate bag,  store your hunting boots. I like leaving them outside wrapped inside of a trash bag with some natural scents, this allows your boots to smell like nature. If you have a good scent free area in your house to store them like a scent crusher closet or tote, by all means put them in their!

Use knee-high rubber boots and tuck your pants into them. Make sure they are placed in an air tight container beforehand. Do not wear your boots at home or in any location to and from the hunting area.



Pay close attention to “scent-transfer.” We have taken care of the larger share of smells we may carry into the woods on us, but what about the smells we may be leaving behind. Every time you touch an object it’s like you’re leaving your scent on it. How strong the smell will be and how long it will linger depends on temperature, moisture and a variety of other factors. 

But why let them know you’re hunting them? By Wearing rubber-bottomed boots (The air spaces in rubber are much smaller than leather, which makes it very difficult for scent molecules to pass through) and not touching anything with your bare hands will decease “scent-transfer”. Pay attention and be sneaky

The more you touch the more scent you leave behind for deer to bust you. If you manage your scent-transfer I can promise that you will have tons of deer walking under your stand!



It is very important to avoid “going to the bathroom” while on stand. Try to do your “seat Time” before showering at the house and only urinate into a seal able plastic container if absolutely necessary. Carry a plastic jug with some padding tapped around it to muffle the sound while urinating into it. 

If you have to do other business while in the woods the best thing to do is to pick an area away from your stand in an area that the animals are not likely to approach from. Then dig a shallow hole, do your business and then cover it with dirt. Only do this if it is an absolute emergency.

To help prevent emergency bathroom time you can adjust your diet to prevent it from happening. During the off-season pay attention to foods that your body “agrees” with and which ones your body doen’t. If you find meat is bad for you, don’t eat it during the hunting season. If it’s hot wings that cause problems-avoid them as well.

Before and during your hunt, avoid drinking drinks that contain caffeine. Such things as coffee, soda and tea that have caffeine in them. This will in increase your need to urinate and resulting in either a very uncomfortable hunt or a chance of contaminating the area.

Even though it is convenient, never do your business from or beneath your stand. Try to cut down on any urgent moments.



After breakfast, brush your teeth with baking soda. Although it’s not as minty fresh as your regular toothpaste, baking soda is a proven odor-killer.

One of the most overlooked aspects of scent control is what comes out of your mouth. Proper hygiene will help eliminate bad breath. Avoid eating such things as garlic, peppers chocolate and onions before your hunt. Vanilla chewing gum and chlorophyll tablets will help with keeping your breath as scentless as possible.

It is important to stop smoking before during and after your hunt. After careful preparation of showering and washing your clothes properly, one cigarette can ruin all of it. Also, the use of chewing tobacco can hurt your ability to remain undetected due to the strong odor of wintergreen flavoring that is in many varieties of chewing tobacco.



For easy, inexpensive, and fast cleanup in the field, use scent-free wipes. An alternative for this is bringing rags that have also been washed in scent-free laundry detergent, but they are harder to pack around than a package of scentless wipes.

This is a great way to stay scent free especially after a long walk in the hot early season. After you get up in your stand you can break out these wipes and quickly be scent free again. There is a variety of wipes that you can use. You can also use the Phase cream this cream holds the dead skin to your body until you are done hunting! You should definetley check this product out! Click here to see pricing!


We hope that you were able to learn a few things from this article! If you have anything that you would like to add or any questions, please leave them down below! Thank you for reading our article, and make sure to like and subscribe to stay updated with our latest news!